Friday, July 10, 2009

[Info] Skype. Is it ready to take over?

This Friday one of my friend suddenly pop-up with an interesting Q. "Got a Skype?", off course I said "No! And what the heck was it for?" and this successfully made me one of those old-timer, really! Since the first one came up in my mind after the Q was a a tool for having a phone-like call via the net or VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) to the regular phone line. Plus, we have to buy some credit to do the call. Never in my mind had I imagined that this tool evolved into some kind of user-killer software that can be a threat to YM in the internet relay chat software competition.
After some browse of the net to help me out from my cluelessness, I did find out it really is happening. Let's have some quote on what other have said:
Well...those are the comments. Overall, they seems to be agreed that Skype has better quality on the voice call feature over YM. That's not so surprising though, seeing that Skype was started for making a cheap long-distant voice-call solution.

If you wanna know what aunty Wiki has to say about this Skype, please visit her @ her home here

Those are what I came-up with from the net, but personally I think that I'll stick to the old-glorious Yahoo! Messenger for now because I'm a typing type rather than a talky one *hehehe* Still, the choice is yours...

Finally, for those who having trouble downloading the latest Skype for windows software, I've made some mirror here and the other alternative here. Both files are packed with RAR format and have to be extracted first with either WinRAR or other RAR applications. If you don't have one, you can get WinRAR v3.51 here.


Anonymous said...

Test my Open ID

Anonymous said...

hargane piro, Ki Manteb?

Anonymous said...

skype.. hmm.. menurut ane sih sama aja ya bos kaya messenger yang laen, cuma yang biasa ane pake sih call sesama skype, n bisa search friend menurut daerah..
trus bisa juga call ke gsm or ke telp rumah, nah kalo fasilitas ini kita mesti bayar.. tapi bayar kemana ya??
kalo sesama skype free kok, kualitas jernih n paling dellay kalo linknya bermasalah.. :D
segitu aja, kalo salah mohon di maav kan.. maklum nubie.

.:[IMI Computer]:. said...

@asaljeplak: harga opo? Wong software'e gretongan... Tinggal donlot thok.

Vonie Cornelia said...

Artikel ini sangat menarik. Terimakasih telah berbagi informasi ini. Informasi ini sangat membantu

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