Wednesday, January 4, 2012

[Tips] Role of Page Optimization in SEO

Been reading few articles in the READBUD.COM, until Me stumble upon yet another article about SEO, which is Page Optimization in SEO.

Get's me thinking a whole more course of it that I haven't been worked on yet.
It said that there are two types of Page Optimization in SEO:
  1. On-Page Optimization
  2. Off-Page Optimization
On-Page Optimization is what we do about our page that will improve the rating or it's visibility within the search engines. Like Customizing it, put some Page Optimization in SEO code in it, et cetera,et cetera...
The other one, which is Off-Page Optimization, is basically all of the other  process we do for improving our page outside the page itself. Like using some outside services to create link to our page (yes, Linking In or Backlink of our page does count very much in Page Optimization in SEO, see me previous post on SEO matter), pinging service, etc.

Here we will talk on the first option. Mainly it concern on our web page hidden features it-self, which will boost the likeliness of our page to be found when people go to the search engines, which is our main objective of Page Optimization in SEO. They are:

1. Title Tag
This is an area in a web page where the text is placed that shows the title of the website on the very top of the web browser window. Search engines use title tags to make a link in search results. Thus, make a glimpse of understanding for the people of what is our page about. So make it as descriptive as well as simple as possible yet attractive. Thus, in result is another way of Page Optimization in SEO.  

2. Meta Tag Description
A Meta Tag Description is a part of web page coding that gives the basic description about the website. This should focus on the website because Meta tag description plays a very important role in web page ranking which also contributes in the Page Optimization in SEO.

3. Meta Tag Keywords
Meta Tag Keywords play the similar role as meta tag description for highlighting the importance of a website Page Optimization in SEO.

4. Keyword Density
Page Optimization in SEO is also related to a particular percentage of keywords used on a web page for the Page Optimization in SEO related attempts which are called keyword density. A keyword for Page Optimization in SEO must be used in a web page from 2% to 8 % for good page ranking. This Page Optimization in SEO technique is the backbone of Search Engine Optimization in term of Page Optimization in SEO. (Do you see how much "Page Optimization in SEO" words in this paragraph alone, not to mention in this whole page? You may think is form of an abuse for the word "Page Optimization in SEO" :P Well, just hang on to that, because its' an example of the Keyword Density way itself, and this page is indeed all about Page Optimization in SEO).

5. URL Structure
If you want your website to rank well then your URL of website must be related to the context of the website, to also help boosting our Page Optimization in SEO. Well, you don't want to end up reading some of those Senior Citizen's "tools" garage sale, when you click on a click that says do you? ^__^

Why all the hassles, one may questioned. Well here is why:
When creating or updating a commercial website it should be taken into consideration that the products are made more attractive for the viewers. At the same time it must be taken into account that the ability o gain more exposure with a broader target audience has its own benefits. Most websites need to reach out to a larger target audience in order to enhance their business. On Page Optimization allows a higher page ranking and based on a specific keyword or phrases they enter. This process identifies those keywords that will benefit a particular website and uses them in such a way that it gets a higher page ranking when those keywords are searched. 
Most searchers only use first page displayed websites on their searches because this is where the pages with higher page rankings are displayed, which translates into these pages find the highest relevance to their keyword searches. This makes it even more vital that each website comprehends the significance and the knowledge necessary to adapt their websites to benefit from Search Engine Optimization. 
An understanding of Search Engine Optimization provides the website a higher ranking in the world of search engines. By taking advantage of optimization techniques, more searchers will gain faster access to the particular website. If the website has something worthwhile to offer then this strategy that should be implemented immediately.
REPRINT RIGHTS statement: This article is free for republishing by visitors provided the Author Bio box is retained as usual so that all links are Active/Linkable with no syntax changes. 

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