It's GAMING time...!
Wanna share some fun with you guys. Here's some lists of my Mobile Java Games. It wasn't much though, but maybe they'll help loosen up those tenses you've got.
Mo bagi-bagi koleksi Mobile Java Game gw nih. Walaupun ga seberapa lengkap, mungkin bisa ngebantu ngendorin saraf dan mungkin lain waktu bisa ditambah lagi deh.
These are intended to those Java MIDP 2.0 compatible devices (e.g Nokia N73, Sony Erricsson W55oi, etc.). Wanted to give the full roster of compatible cellphones, but heaven knows what hell i've gone through (too much eh ^_^). So just give it a shot.
Gamenya buat ponsel yang punya Java MIDP 2.0 seperti Nokia N73, Sony Erricsson W55oi, dan lain-lain. Monya sih ngasih daftar lengkap ponsel yg kompatibel, tapi belum punya counter hape sih. So... Just have a trial-error on these. ^_^
To ease-up things, most of the information of the supported device comes from the supported screen resolutions info, which usually written in the file name. For example if the file name looks like this: [game_title]_SE_176x220.jar, then this game support all the Sony Erricsson device that has 176 (width) x 220 (height) in screen resolution, such as Sony Erricsson W 550i.
Untuk mudahnya, kebanyakan filenya ada keterangan resolusi layar ponsel yang didukung, seperti 176 x 220 untuk Sony Erricsson atau 240 x 320 untuk Nokia N73. Jadi sesuaikan aja dengan ponsel yang mo dipasangin gamenya.
These games are from Gameloft. Some of the popular titles are:
- Assassin Creed
- Beowulf
- Grey's Anatomy
- Guitar Rock Tour
- King Kong
- Mission Impossible 3
- etc.
- GameLoft Collection_(A)
- GameLoft Collection_(B-C)
- GameLoft Collection_(D)
- GameLoft Collection_(G)
- GameLoft Collection_(H-L)
- GameLoft Collection_(M)
All the files are compressed in RAR format. You'll need the WinRAR application to extract them. If you do not have any, get the application here.
Semua filenya terkompresi dalam format RAR. Untuk membukanya gunakan program WinRar. Klo belum punya programnya, bisa diambil di sini.
Have fun....!!!